How many Scoville Units does Tabasco have?

How many Scoville Units does Tabasco have?
Question: How many Scoville Units is the Red Tabasco Pepper Sauce from McIlhenny?
Red Tabasco Pepper Sauce from McIlhenny from the USA is the most famous Chili Sauce in the world and since its invention in 1868 has been made according to the same recipe. The red Tabasco chilies are ground after harvesting and stored with salt in white oak barrels for up to three years. This process is called fermentation. After storage, the Tabasco mash is mixed with vinegar, filtered and bottled. Its Scoville value is approx. 2500 Units.
Note on the spiciness of Tabasco chilies: With 100 000 Scoville Units, the South America Tabasco chili is significantly spicier than the US variant. We suspect that it has been crossed with the Pequin (also Piquin) type of chili. We offer the following products from the South American Tabasco chili:
Green Tabasco powder, Red Tabasco powder, Red ground Tabasco, Green ground Tabasco.
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