How many Scoville Units does Wasabi have?

How many Scoville Units does Wasabi have?
Question: How many Scoville Units does Wasabi (Japanese green horseradish) have?
Answer: The Japanese green horseradish, Wasabi, certainly tastes like horseradish, however it has little to do with the white horseradish. Wasabi grows like cabbage, and the part of the plant used is not the root, as one might imagine, rather an upwards growing leafy rootstock.
The spiciness of Wasabi has nothing to do with chili spiciness (Capsaicin), which works solely on the pain nerves. Wasabi spiciness is caused by lightly volatile oils, similar to mustard. Wasabi needs a very special climate and is only cultivated in Japan, China, Korea and the USA. Most Wasabi products are imitations made from white horseradish that is coloured green. Genuine Wasabi is very expensive, but has an unbelievably intense flavour. For our Wasabi peanuts, only genuine Wasabi powder is used, and you can taste it.
To the product: Wasabi Peanuts
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... hat denn nun Wasabi
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