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Indonesian Chicken Satay
Recipe for Indonesian Chicken Satay - marinated and grilled chicken skewers The chicken satay is originally from Indonesia, but is also very popular in many countries of...
Garnelenspieße auf brasilianische Art
Rezept für pikant marinierte Garnelenspieße zum Grillen oder Braten Dieses leckere Rezept stammt aus Brasilien, wo man die Garnelen vor dem Grillen in eine...
Do it yourself - Sausage
You`d rather make your own bratwurst? You can get the meat needed for a do-it-yourself sausage at your local butcher, and the spices are available in specialised shops. So...
Delicious chilli bread
Recipe for crispy chilli bread People love to barbecue, especially in summer, and usually you can`t find the right bread. It`s especially difficult for chilli lovers,...