Chimichurri Sauce

Chimichurri Sauce
Recipe for Peruvian Aji Amarillo Sauce
This bright yellow, tasty and hot sauce can be found everywhere in Peru and is highly appreciated throughout the Andean region. The Aji Amarillo Chili sauce is eaten with almost all dishes, but is particular good with fish, seafood, rice or potato dishes. Traditionally no garlic is added. If you don`t like garlic, you can leave it out. However, it gives the sauce a special kick.
250 g Aji Amarillo chillies
1 garlic clove
2 tsp lime juice
1 tsp cider vinegar
2 tsp raw cane sugar
2 tblsp olive oil
Clean the Amarillo chillies, remove the stem and seeds and cut in half. Put the chillies in a saucepan with a little water, and simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes. If the Amarillos have a firm skin, it can now be easily removed. Peel the garlic clove and cut into coarse slices, fry them briefly in a pan with some oil. Add the garlic, sugar, lime juice and vinegar and continue to simmer, stirring regularly to dissolve the sugar. Season to taste with salt and then blend to a smooth paste with a stick blender or in a food processor. Gradually add the olive oil while mixing, until the desired consistency is obtained. If necessary, add more salt, and allow to cool.
This sauce can be kept for a few days/weeks in the refrigerator in an airtight bottle.
Tip: If you like, you can also mix the sauce with cream cheese, mayonnaise or cream fraiche, which is also very popular in South America. Then, instead of garlic, usually a small onion is fried.
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Fruchtig süßer Auftakt!
hatte nicht alle Zutaten im Haus und musste variieren (Mandarine statt Limette, weißer Balsamessig statt Apfelessig). Habe den Knoblauch in Öl angeschwitzt und dann wieder entnommen. Ich finde die fruchtige Süße genial, die man am Anfang schmeckt - gleich danach folgt natürlich die Schärfe. Am besten hat es mir noch leicht warm mit Brot geschmeckt. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass ich es in einem Joghurtdressing verwende oder in einem Dip oder pur zu einem gegrillten Rindfleisch.