Papas arrugadas con mojo

Papas arrugadas con mojo
Recipe for the Canarian wrinkled potatoes with salt crust and spicy sauces
Get the holiday feeling at home: Papas arrugadas are Canarian potatoes in a fine salt crust ("arrugadas" means wrinkled). Usually, they are eaten with two spicy sauces: "mojo verde" - a green sauce made of garlic, parsley and coriander - and "mojo rojo", a red sauce with bell peppers, chillies and tomatoes. You can make the sauces yourself or buy our delicious pastes, if dont have enough time.
Ingredients (for 4 persons)
Papas arrugadas
1.5 kg potatoes (e.g. “Drillinge”)
350 g sea salt
Mojo rojo
2 red bell peppers
2 - 3 ripe tomatoes, substitute 3 tsp tomato
2 tsp sweet paprika powder
2 small, dried chillies
2 tsp salt
2 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
4 cloves of garlic
½ tsp cumin, ground
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
100 ml olive oil
Mojo Verde
1 bunch parsley
1 bunch fresh coriander
1 fresh chilli pepper
4 cloves of garlic
100 ml olive oil
1 tsp of lime juice
2 tsp salt
2 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Wash the peppers and remove the core, quarter them and place them with skin to the top on a baking tray, and roast for about 20 minutes, until the skin bubbles or becomes black. Remove from the oven, cover with a damp cloth and then peel off the skin. Brush the tomatoes hot, peel and core. Then dice finely.
Wash the potatoes thoroughly and place them in a pot with the salt. Cover with water and cook softly for 20 minutes without cover (the water should evaporate).
Meanwhile peel the garlic and cut into fine slices, core the dried chillies and crush. Cut the peppers into pieces and purée everything together with the olive oil and the tomatoes. Add cumin, paprika powder and vinegar and season with salt and pepper.
Wash coriander and parsley and shake well. Remove the large stems and chop everything very finely. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Core the chilli peppers and finely chop them. Mix everything, stir in the lemon juice and the olive oil and season with salt, pepper and some sugar.
Drain the potatoes and allow the pot to evaporate for 10 minutes on the cooked plate (attention, the potatoes should not be fried, always shake again). A thin salt crust forms on the shells and they get their typical wrinkled appearance.
Serve the potatoes together with the sauces. You break the potatoes with your fingers, dunk them into the sauce and eat them with peel.
Image source: Fotolia - #25027381 © dulsita
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Wie im Urlaub
Die Kartoffeln schmecken wie im Urlaub, sehr gut. Natürlich sind sie sehr salzig, aber das will man ja. Wir haben allerdings ein paar Änderungen vorgenommen:
Die Kartoffeln:
Das Rezept funktioniert auch genauso gut mit 250 g Salz im Wasser (Es bleibt sonst einfach viel Salz im Topf zurück.)
Mojo verde:
Wir haben auch "nur" einen Teelöffel Salz benutzt. Das kann man aber selbst abschmecken. Zudem haben wir es uns etwas leichter gemacht und nicht alles sehr fein gehackt, sondern am Ende einfach den Mixstab reingehalten.
Mojo rojo:
Paprika zu häuten liegt uns nicht so, es geht auch gut, die Paprika mit Schale in Würfel zu schneiden und ein wenig im Topf/in der Pfanne anzubraten. Am Ende kam wieder der Mixstab zum Einsatz und man merkt die Haut auch nicht mehr.
Also insgesamt eine sehr gute Rezept-Grundlage, bei der sich das Nachkochen lohnt (man muss allerdings das salzige mögen).