7 Tips for cooking with Chili

7 Tips for cooking with Chili
What to do if it’s too spicy?
1. Use cautiously!
The first and most important rule when using chillies is: Be cautious with the amount of chillies you use, start slowly so they don’t burn you too much.
2. Test first!
Test the chillies or the sauce beforehand so you can find out how spicy they are. While details on the products are a guideline, everyone perceives spiciness differently.
3. Remove the spiciest parts!
The most spiciness is in the inner walls and seeds of the chili. It is best to carefully remove these parts. (It is recommended to wear gloves when handling very spicy chillies!)
4. Add your own spice!
Remember that your guests might not be as used to spicy food as you are, and may not be able to enjoy dishes that are too spicy for them. Then your whole effort will have been in vain. It is best to give everyone the possibility of adding their own spice to their meal, such as fresh chopped chillies or a delicious chili sauce.
5. If it’s too spicy: Milk products help!
Dishes which can too spicy can be diluted with cream, sour cream, yogurt, crème fraiche, grated cheese or coconut milk (depending on what is most suitable). As Capsaicin is fat-soluble, these foods take away the burning sensation.
6. If it’s too spicy: Dilute!
For vegetable dishes and stews you can pour out part of the broth (or keep it separate for another dish) and fill up the dish with fresh meat or vegetable stock. You could also use a can of beans or some tomatoes or boiled potatoes to reduce the spiciness (if they are suitable for the dish).
7. Keep a “fire extinguisher” ready!
And last but not least, keep a “fire extinguisher” with you when you are eating very spicy food: Crème fraiche goes with almost everything, for Indian dishes you could use yogurt with mint or a mango lassi, with Mexican food sour cream, bread and / or rice as a side, and finally a milky ice cream for dessert. According to a study by the University of Fulda in 2014, Mascarpone on toast bread works best! (http://www.welt.de/wissenschaft/article131936302/Was-gegen-den-Schaerfe-Schock-von-Chili-hilft.html)
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More fire extinguishers
Maple Syrup, Honey, Ice Cubes, Peanut Butter, Lemon/Lime Juice, Full-Fat Milkshakes
Anything cold, sweet, (sour), viscous, and rich in lipids really. Best if you combine everything, except acids and milk products cuz they don't mix well together