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Ace 55 Tomato Seeds
Info: The Ace 55 tomato originates from the USA and is a robust, resistant and high-yielding bush tomato. This variety is resistant to Fusarium and Verticillium. The plants grow up to approx. 75 - 100 cm and the shoots do not need to...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
Juanita Tomaten Samen
Info: Die Juanita Tomate ist eine schöne, tiefrot reifende Cherrytomate mit einem sehr aromatischen und süßen Geschmack. Die Pflanzen können bis 2 Meter groß werden und produzieren lange Rispen mit bis zu 40...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
Johannisbeertomaten Samen - gelb
Info: Die Johannisbeertomate (gelb) ist zusammen mit ihrer roten Schwester wohl die kleinste Tomate der Welt. Diese selten angebotene Sorte wächst buschig und wird nur ca. 150 cm groß. An langen Rispen wachsen eine...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
Schlossgarten Cherry Tomato Seeds
Info: The Schlossgarten Cherry tomato was discovered in a castle garden ("Schloss" means "castle) but no one could say which exact type it was or where it came from. But it was grown there over decades because of its exceptional aroma...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
A Grappoli dInverno Tomato Seeds
Info: The A Grappoli dInverno tomato is an Italian heirloom from the Apulian region in Southern Italy. The name means "winter grape" as the Italian farmers would hang the fruits-covered vines and the fruits would stay fresh during...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
San Marzano Lampadina Tomato Seeds
Info: The San Marzano Lampadina is a variety of the famous San Marzano tomato. The productive and thermophilic plants can reach heights up to 2 meters and produce lots of bright red, egg-shaped fruits with thick flesh and few seeds....
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
Tomato Seed Mix
Info: Surprise - if you love the fascinating forms and rich, full flavor of different tomatoes, this is the mix you must grow! You will be surprised by different tomato varieties and rarities. It may grow small, round, flat, ribbed,...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
Yellow Pear Cherry Bell Tomato Seeds
Info: The Yellow Pear Cherry Bell tomato is a very pretty, yellow cherry tomato, which produces many of the small pear-shaped fruits. The fruits have a mildly sweet to fruity flavour and are great as decoration in salads or...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
San Marzano Tomato Seeds
Information: The San Marzano tomato is a classic Italian tomato breed with an intense, fruity aroma. Traditionally, it is grown in Campania. It has a slightly oval shape, is firm to the tough and a vibrant red colour with relatively...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
Green Zebra Tomato Seeds
Information: An extremely rare variety, the Green Zebra tomato originates from the USA and - as the name suggests - remains green when it ripens, with the development of pale to orange yellow stripes. They produce round, medium-sized,...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
Blueberry Tomato Seeds
Information: The blueberry tomato is a very special breed of tomato. The colourant anthocyanin is responsible for the violet blue colouring, whilst also increased the antioxidant content and thereby making the tomatoes particularly...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *
Tigerella Tomato Seeds
Information: The Tigerella tomato is very resistant to diseases, in particular to blight. This makes it a perfect garden tomato for our mid-range latitudes. The medium-size fruits display attractive yellowish red stripes, although...
Content 10 Stück (€0.24 * / 1 Stück)
€2.39 *