BBQ Sweetcorn with Golden Bonnet Butter
Recipe for grilled sweetcorn with spicy herb butter
Preparation time approx. 20 min.
Ingredients (serves 4):
6 corn on the cob?
100g butter?
1 tablespoon Golden Bonnet
1 lime
2 spring onions?
handful of coriander
Take the butter out of the fridge about 2 hours before preparing so that it can be easily mixed at room temperature. Squeeze the lime and chop the spring onions into fine rolls. Also finely chop the coriander.
Place the butter in a bowl, add the Golden Bonnet, lime, spring onions and coriander and thoroughly mix.
Prepare the barbecue.
Once the barbecue coals turn white, place the cobs on the grill and cook for 20 minutes, turning occasionally.
Once the corn is cooked dollop some of the butter onto each cob. Serve immediately.
Credits / Find more: Hot Chilli Sauce Recipes & Ideas - Wiltshire Chilli Farm
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