Tandoori Masala Spice Mix
Tandoori Masala is a classic spice mix from India that is used to marinade meat, which is then cooked in a traditional clay oven (tandur) at very high temperatures. This spice mix is fantastic for barbecuing with charcoal at home or for making stir-fries.
Mainly comprising cumin, coriander seeds and chilies, this spice mix is very popular in India as a chicken marinade (tandoori chicken). To make this dish, natural yoghurt and lemon juice are added to the marinade along with tandoori masala until a thick paste has been made. Leave the meat in the marinade for several hours and then cook on the grill as usual. As always when marinating meat, the longer the meat is left in the marinade, the more intense the flavour will be.
With the exception of beef (cows are believed to be holy in India), almost any type of meat can be marinated with the Tandoori Masala Spice Mix (pork, fish, lamb, goat, game, poultry and more).
Shelf Life / Storage
Gewürze verlieren durch die falsche Lagerung einen Teil ihres Aromas. Gewürze sollten kühl, trocken, luftdicht und dunkel gelagert werden.How to use
Rezept für Tandoori-Seezunge
Zutaten: 6 Seezungenfilets, 1 gehackte Zwiebel, 1-2 Knoblauchzehen fein gehackt, 5TL Tandoori-Mix, 225ml Joghurt.
Zubereitung: Mischen Sie Zwiebeln, Knoblauch, Tandoori Masala Gewürzmischung und den Joghurt. Legen Sie die Seezungenfilets für mind. 6 Stunden in der Marinade ein. Anschließend wird der Fisch und die Marinade in Alufolie gewickelt und bei 180 Grad °C für 30 Minuten gebacken.
Variationen: Sie könn
Enthalten: | Erdnussfrei, Gerstefrei, Gerstenfrei, Glutenfrei, Haselnussfrei, Hefefrei, Milchfrei, Selleriefrei, Sesamfrei, Sojafrei, Sulfitefrei, Walnussfrei, Weizenfrei |
Kreuzkümmel, Koriander, Paprika, Kurkuma, Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Kardamom, Pfeffer, Senfkörner, Ingwer, Cayennepfeffer, Pimentkörner, Galgant, Muskatnuss, Pedang-Zimt, Korianderblätter, Nelken, Langpfeffer.Known Allergens:
Name: | EDORA Gewürze |
Address: |